Process control sensors with built-in sending units often use 4-20 mA current loop to communicate with the data acquisition system: a computer or programmable controller. Current loop transmission is noise immune. Electromechanical disturbances and RFI from ac voltage sources will not affect the signal level of a 4-20 mA current loop. Noise immunity makes 4-20 mA desirable in factory environments.
The analog input circuit contains a programmable amplifier so the input range is under software control. Both voltage and current input ranges are programmable and although four current input ranges are available, it is likely that the 4-20 mA range is the one you are interested in.
Of course, you may eliminate the screw terminal board and direct wire signals to the CIO-DAS48 through a ribbon cable terminated with a 50 pin connector.
The analog input section of the CIO-DAS48 has been designed for flexibility and accuracy in a number of configurations and ranges. The analog signals are brought on board by a standard 50 pin header type connector directly to analog multiplexors. The multiplexors provide 48 channels of single ended input or 24 channels of differential input and are protected against 30 volts max.
The CIO-DAS48-PGL may be programmed directly with I/O write and
read command providing control from BASIC, C and Pascal. It is quite easy to
control the CIO-DAS48-PGL from any language that provides I/O instructions
because of the simple register structure. For those who prefer a language driver
or library, the CIO-DAS48 is supported by the Universal Driver programming
language package which supports most DOS and Windows languages for $49.
A test and setup program called INSTACAL is included for easy calibration, testing and setup.
COPY [To Your Hard Drive] Instacal setup software for DOS and Windows 3.1 now!
COPY [To Your Hard Drive] Instacal setup software (32-bit) now!
VIEW an Adobe Acrobat pdf file for more product info (requires Acrobat Reader).